The First AIGC platform in BTC ecosystem
$Infinity Point
Daily Check-In
Users can collect points by checking in daily, which can be used for subsequent rewards and activities.
Users generate artwork that fits a specified theme and mint it as NFTs.
Vote for NFTs
Users can earn points by minting, buying, and selling NFTs.
Trade NFTs
Users can use their accumulated points to get voting tickets and vote for featured NFTs.
Token Airdrop
Points are key to unlocking token airdrop rewards.
Enjoy your journey
  • Access AI models of professional and advanced models - Create your own NFT.
  • AI driven creative generation - Prompt and relate your idea.
  • Create2Earn - Earn reward from your creations.
  • The community-driven approach encourages collaboration and shared innovation among creators.
Creators retain full ownership of their digital assets through blockchain technology.
  • Daily Check-in: Get your daily rewards
  • Trade NFT: Earn rewards by create buy and sell
  • Campaign: Join campaign to get rewards
  • Stake tokens to Earn. Experience a new earnings model with staking, and join us in driving the future of AIGC!
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